NINO is a network management solution to manage routers, switches, servers and applications. Using realtime monitoring, event monitoring and reporting the health and status of your network can be monitored. On high severity events NINO can send e-mail notification. NINO can be used from any place in the network or event the internet just using a web browser. This is an example to manage servers and the network.
・HTTPレスポンス・スプリット攻撃と.NET FX 1.1 SP1(HotFix Report BBS)
・インシデント対応のポイントは「マインド」と「事前の準備」 (1/2)(ITmedia)
ちゃんと読んでないけど知られざるMicrosoft RPCの危険性(下)(IT Pro)の下にある話しかな。