2004-02-24 [長年日記]

1 [Software] Vordel SOAPbox

『A FREE Web Services security test tool.』 SOAP方面のやつだけど、SOAPって今のところ圏外。

3 Cyber Academy WEB110


4 [Vuln] Snort Signature Mislabeling Weakness SecurityFocus

It has been reported that Snort is prone to a weakness that
may cause an analyst or the correlation engine to improperly
identify a signature. It has been reported that due to
unspecified circumstances, the application may incorrectly
classify network traffic with a "MS-SQL Worm propagation
attempt" label or other labels. Under some circumstances,
misreported traffic may be incorrectly flagged as innocuous.  

not vulnerable Snort Project Snort 2.1.1 RC1

6 いろいろ

  • 早速、周辺で トラブル発生->リーブト->なおった がありましたよ...

7 Solarisのコマンドのメモ

dumpadm , coreadm

本日のツッコミ(全2件) [ツッコミを入れる]
# ntoh (2004-02-24 14:38)


# けん (2004-02-25 12:47)

